What is Physical Abuse?

Physical Abuse

What Includes Mental Abuse?

Examples of abuse:

He prevents you from moving or leaving the room.

He throws something at you or hits you with something that could hurt you.

He pushes you, grabs you or shoves you around.

He hits you in the face.

Kicks, bites or strikes you with the knot / open hand on the body.

Strikes or kicks in walls or furniture.

Takes throat or holds your hand over your mouth.

Uses or threatens to use a firearm or knife against you.

Threatens to take your life.

Forces you into some sexual act.

Twist your arms, put a border over you and hold your arms.

Drags or pulls at your hair.

Strikes or threatens to hit / kill the pets

Sexual abuse / rape

Rape / sexual abuse is when someone performs sexual acts against someone or forces someone to perform sexual acts against someone's will. It is also abuse to take advantage of someone who is in a helpless state, for example sleeping, is drunk, drugged, unconscious, injured, is ill or suffers from a mental disability.

Sexual abuse includes everything from sexual harassment to rape.

Sexual harassment can be, for example, that someone exposes themselves or that violates someone's sexual integrity.

Rape is to force someone to have intercourse or other comparable sexual act through violence or threats, such as anal intercourse, oral sex or to have inserted objects or fingers into another person's vagina or anal opening.

Rape also includes having intercourse or committing another sexually abusive act against persons under the age of 15. Even if it does not happen under duress and / or the person under 15 has taken the initiative and said that she wants to, it counts as rape.

It is also rape to exploit someone under the age of 18 by someone who has special responsibility for them, such as caregivers or a stepparent.

The most common is that rapes take place indoors by someone you know or have a relationship with.

It can be difficult to see it as a rape if, for example, it started with intercourse you first participated in, but then regretted. It is important to remember that it does not matter if you say yes first. It does not matter who you are, if you know the perpetrator or how the rape took place. It also does not matter how you were dressed or behaved or if you had voluntary sex with the person on other occasions. You have the right to your own body, that it should feel good and you always have the right to regret it!

It is common for a person who is raped to blame himself. Many do not shout or physically resist and this can sometimes lead to questions about whether it was really rape. It is therefore important to remember that the blame lies with the person who committed the offending act.

Everyone reacts differently to rape. Confusion, shock and fear are common emotions. Many people try to forget what happened and move on in life as if it never happened. Reactions can, however, come long afterwards, sometimes after several years. It is therefore important to be able to talk about what has happened. You can, for example, turn to a women's house or a women's shelter in your municipality to have a support conversation with a professionally trained person. It is never too late to seek help to process rape. It is also not too late to report a rape, even if it was a few years ago. The statute of limitations for rape is 10 years.


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